jQuery and Callbacks
Almost every jQuery function has the ability to accept and execute callbacks. A callback is simply a function that is intended to be executed by another function upon it's own completion.
I have a sneaking suspicion that jQuery's powerful ability to chain effects and other actions together has lulled many of its users into expecting those effects or actions to occur in sequence. In reality, the execution of the chain happens so rapidly that the outcome is often simultaneous and unexpected
Even if it isn't an unexpected behavior it is still sometimes difficult to wrap up the chain to create whatever sequence of effects we do wish to create. And if what we are looking for is a sequence of effects or actions on one or multiple selected elements, look no farther than the mighty callback function. Further we can mix in some other programming concepts (like recursion), for those with strong hearts, and come out with a nice little example.
My markup has a collection of div elements that I'd like to have appear one
after another with a nice fadeIn effect. Here is what I came up with:
function display_in_sequence(divs, at) {
if(at >= $(divs).length) return;
$($(divs).get(at)).fadeIn(250, function() {
display_in_sequence(divs, at++);
Simply call this function from within the standard document readiness function
like so: display_in_sequence($("div.sequence", "#scope_id"), 0);
A couple things to note: I have to wrap the call to get an element from the array of elements as the only thing returned is the element selected and not a jQuery object, and also note in the originating call that I use a second parameter which has the effect of scoping the DOM traversal that jQuery has to do to find the selection of elements you want. It is almost always wise to provide a scope so that jQuery doesn't waste it's time searching through the entire DOM tree for your elements.