Tony Pitale

DevNation DC 2010

Last weekend I had the privilege of speaking at DevNation in DC held at Viget's own offices in Falls Church. I was among the ranks of some of the finest presenters in a community of passionate developers including Aaron Bedra of Relevance, Dave Troy, and one of Viget's senior front-end developers: Blake Walters. Here are my slides from my presentation on Tonality and Timbre: Lessons for Personal Improvement from Musical Instruction.

My original intention with this talk was to seek inspiration in my years of musical study (I play trombone) and to draw parallels to the software development universe. By doing so, I had hoped to uncover some new and innovative ways by which we all might seek to improve our skills. However, I found that there already existed a significant number of practices. Most of all, we must be reminded to keep up with the basics, seek feedback, and always be cognizant of our own growth. I hope future iterations of this talk will allow me to expand on some of these ideas.

If you were present at DevNation and at my talk, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback or a rating.

In addition, I really enjoyed my comrade Blake's presentation on the Garber-Irish Implementation for management of architected javascript. You can see his presentation on his blog

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