Tony Pitale

March 2014, Recap

Three months, one quarter of the year, has gone by already! I’m only a few days late with this post.

Coding & OSS Contributions

I’ve done more work on my side projects this month, and that makes me happy. After things didn’t really pan out with one project in February, it felt really good to dig back into others.

Nothing new on the OSS front. Continuing to try to foster a good community around Legato. Staccato has gotten a boost since the Universal Analytics features of Google Analytics have been released out of beta. Planning to write something about that, maybe on Growing Devs.

Continued to work on Wisp. It has me thinking in new ways and learning a bit more about Python in the process.


I didn’t really write much in March. I was trying to reach out to as many people as possible about contributing to Growing Devs. Nobody came through in the end, so I chose to not write anything in March, rather than make Growing Devs just a second blog for my writing.

I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I’ll keep trying to spread the word since everyone seems very positive about the general idea. I understand it’s hard to find the motivation to write. I’m hoping my offer to help people edit and grow in their writing will attract some folks.

I did make one addition to Growing Devs, and that was a Code of Conduct. With the help of some fantastic people on twitter, I was able to find a solid Code. I’m hoping this will make everyone feel safer and make the future community much more welcoming.


Nothing new on this front. March was very strange, weather-wise. April has been much better, and I’m hoping to get out early in the morning for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Hopefully I’ll more to share on this in my next entry.

Until Next Time


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